Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Lights

This year we celebrated Christmas in Louisiana.....first time in 2 years. I have really missed going to my Grandparents house on Christmas eve the last couple of years. We got to Vidalia late Wednesday night before Christmas. The following night Baylee, Mama, Daddy, Kassi and myself loaded up to go look at lights. 

 Only in Louisiana. Gotta love it!

 Mississippi River bridge

 We rode to a few spots in Natchez and decided to ride over to the bluff to get pictures of the bridge.
Kassi snapping pics with her camera

1 comment:

Avery's Mommy said...

Isn't that lil town just getting cuter each time! I loved the stuff on the river, it was so nice. Baylee is getting SO big!