Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

RJ turns TWO

It is VERY hard to believe that little buddy is TWO years old. It is even harder to believe that B will be there in less than 2 months! Baylee and RJ have been buds since birth..literally. I was 32 weeks pregnant with Baylee when RJ was born and RJ came to visit Baylee in the hospital after she arrived. We are SO very thankful to have The Russell's in our lives. I don't know what our weekends would be like without them ;). Now onto party pics!
Saturday after Baylee's nap we headed to LaVergne for his bday party. The forecast was calling for 70% chance of rain. A blow up jumper had already been ordered for the party so I was praying and keeping my fingers crossed that the bad weather would hold off until after the party. Would you believe that little prayer worked? It sprinkled a little bit before the party but by the time everyone started to arrive it had stopped and the sun even made an appearance once or twice! The BIRTHDAY BOY!

As a back-up plan Alison and Ray bought lots of colored sand for the kids to make sand art. They put it in RJ's swimming pool and put it in the garage. I thought it was such a clever idea that I never would have come up with. Baylee was a little taken back by the MASSIVE jumping contraption in the middle of the driveway that she decided to stick with the sand for a while.

Notice the sand in her hair. Baylee had scooped up some purple sand and then threw it straight up in the air. It was very funny!

I knew the party was Elmo themed so I had to dress Baylee to coordinate :)watching the other kiddosBaylee finally came around and joined the other kids. Ray's brother Chad (3rd from left) traveled from South Carolina and Alison's brother (on the right) came from Virginia to attend the festivities :) PRESENT TIME!Who knew playing in the back of a truck could be so much fun? These two sure thought so!Baylee had such a great time at the party.


Leah said...

Looks like she had tons of fun!

Alison said...

Awww... you're going to make me cry! We are thankful for your friendship too, and love that our first borns are growing up together. I love the pics you have of the kiddos in the jump house. See you soon!

papaw said...

Absolutly, I do believe that prayer works , who says God don't care for even the little things that are important in our lives. Even R.J.'s birthday party.

Stormie's Mommy said...

You've been tagged! So here is what you do. Make 3 lists of 8. First list 8 things you look forward to. Then list 8 things you did yesterday Then list 8 Programs you watch on TV. Then go tag 8 people to do the same.

aunt kas! said...

Ok this is funny. The purple sand in her hair is too funny! She's too cute! I miss my favorite little niece! :)

Jami Ainsworth said...

Tag your it! I see I wasn't the first to tag...oh well! I tried. I really only know so many fellow active bloggers!