Long time no post :). So we have officially been in the house for a week now. We are pretty much settled in with the exception of our spare bedroom. For now it is storing all of our "what are we going to do with this crap" stuff. It has been quite a week. Carl burned 1 week of vacation moving us in, hanging blinds, buying little things for the house, ect. OH the great fun of purchasing new construction! Anyway, on top of Carl having to use vacation time to help get us settled in he caught a bug. He was VERY much under the weather all last week and is still ailing this week. Baylee had a rough weekend and week as well. She went to the doctor on Monday and tested positive for strep throat. I am 25 years old and can not remember a single time in my life of having strep and my 20 month old baby has it! Oh and on top of that she had a stomach virus last weekend with diarrhea and even vomited once at school last Friday afternoon. I managed to get by with just a sore throat and runny nose after being around these two sickies. I have been wanting to post an update since the first of the week but we lost internet AND cable for4 days....oh how we LOVE Comcast. I am waiting until we are COMPLETELY settled into the house before I post pictures. I will leave you with these pictures of RJ and Baylee from last weekend. They were watching Shrek. Now I am headed to tag Baylee's clothes for the consignment sale.
Welp the deal is done. Yesterday we signed our life away...well at least the next 30 years if it. We closed on the house at 4:00 yesterday afternoon. Carl headed to the storage building to start getting some of our belongings out while I headed back to Grandmaw's house to change and start getting our clothes loaded into my car. After the Honda was FILLED to capacity I ran by daycare to pick up B, then to McDonald's for us something quick to eat and then headed to the NEW house. Carl was already there and had gotten about 12 boxes out of storage. Getting ALL of those clothes out of my car was no easy task. Not long after we got Baylee out of the car she starting saying "sssgo" (aka..let's go). She was not satisfied unless she was going UP and DOWN the stairs. Carl obliged to her little command so I could get the car unloaded. As soon as I was finished we headed out. Carl is off today (Thursday) so he will be with the movers while they do the heavy lifting. I on the other hand have to work today. BLAH! We have SOOOO much to unpack and SO much shopping to do. I am sure the next two days are going to be a blur.
We are closing on the house TOMORROW! I am over the moon excited! Our walk through is at 3:00 p.m. and the closing at 4:00. We are having movers come Thursday to move our belongings OUT of the storage building that we have been renting for the last 5 months. Our new living room and dining room furniture is also being delivered sometime Thursday and Best Buy is coming out on Saturday to mount our TV's in the living room and bedroom :)
I plan to take MANY pictures when we start the process.
of another beautiful day! Sunday afternoon Baylee and I headed to the park for Round 2. Again it was such a great day for outdoor play.
There is a HUGE walking trail that runs completely around the playground area. After lots of swinging a sliding I decided to pull out her stroller and head out for a walk. By the looks of these pictures you can tell that she is more interested in pushing the stroller than being pushed.
I am pretty sure she was taking care of some "business" in these next few. ;) She still looks precious and sweet nonetheless!
Who ever said that it was uncool for your underpants (or diaper for that matter) to hang out of your pants? B pulls it off pretty well :)This girl is some kinda fast. She kept taking off and leaving me behind! I surely can't turn my back on her for a split second that's for sure.Before heading home she wanted to play in the leaves. In other news...we are closing on the house NEXT Wednesday! AHHHH YEAH!
Since it was such a nice day Saturday Baylee and I took advantage of it and headed to the park. It was PACKED with kids! I had to ride around the place twice to find a parking space. Baylee has always been DEATHLY afraid of the swing. As soon as we would push she would get this terrified look on her face. I just thought she was more of a slide kind of gal. Welp she has warmed up to the swing and I pushed her for about 30 minutes before MAKING her get out to let other children swing. (I went a little overboard on the swing pics but I am pretty sure that both sets of her grandparent's won't mind a bit) After swinging and a HUGE meltdown from not wanting to get out of the swing we headed over to the pond to see the ducks. I am pretty sure that she is going to be a lefty PaPaw I guess she decided that if the bread was good enough for the ducks than it was good enough for her. Taking a break
When we got back in the car to head home she grabbed her stocking hat off the seat and put it on her head. I thought it was hilarious so I took a picture when we came to a red light.As soon as we got out of the car she curled up and put her head on my shoulder. I knew she wanted a NAP. She slept for about 2 hours after we made it back (2nd nap of the day).