Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A sick Bay-Bay.....

No pics to blog this post. We had a busy weekend. Saturday Baylee was a little fussy. I assumed it was possibly her teeth or she was just tired from all of the shopping and running around that we did that day. Sunday morning she woke up around 5:30 (yes she is quite the early riser). Around 7:00 she was fussy and I could tell she was sleepy and ready for a nap. She cried and cried for over an hour. She didn't want to be held, she didn't want me to put her down, and she didn't want to lay in her bed. FINALLY she konked out after sitting in my lap watching TV. I am not use to this behavior from her. I KNEW something was wrong with her after that. She has always been such a good baby I have never had to deal with that level of irritability. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. When she woke up from her nap she had a high temp. After a day of fussiness and was down for the night at 6 pm! That is 2 hours before her normal bed time. I figured she would wake up during the night but she slept until 6:15 this next morning. I called the doctors office first thing on Monday and she was in to see her pediatrician by 11:00. The verdict.....severe case of double ear infection. Her pediatrician said it is time that she see an ENT (Ear Nose and Throat doctor). She is scheduled for August 12 at 7:30 a.m. We are leaving for Florida on Saturday for a whole week so I hope this antibiotic that she is on knocks out the infection so we can have a great vaca!

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