Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday afternoon we packed up and headed over to Alison and Ray's house for the day. The boys had plans to play golf but it was SOOOOO hot! Instead we just hung out at their house for a while and then headed over to Buffalo Wild Wings for an early dinner. Before we left Alison pulled out RJ's umbrella stroller. She was pushing RJ around the room. Baylee thought it looked fun so she wanted to ride as well. Alison put Baylee in RJ's lap. That lasted about 30 seconds until RJ tried pushing her off. Alison took RJ out and let Baylee ride. We thought it would be funny to let RJ push her. He kept running into the walls and the furniture :)This one cracks me up! He is so funny. RJ kept following Baylee around and making every step she made with the biggest grin on his face. Alison said it was because he wanted to head butt her but I think she is lying on him. He is MUCH too sweet to do something like that! Although, he kept scowling at her all day when she would do something he didn't like.

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