Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today makes one year.....

It was one year ago today that I was sitting in this same spot. It was the day before my due date and I went in to work like any other normal day. The girls in the office brought in a cake and gifts. I had an ultrasound scheduled that afternoon to check the size of the baby. My mom and sister were already in Tennessee (had been for almost 2 weeks awaiting Baylee's arrival). They met me at my OB's office (along with Maw Maw Dot, Carl, and Jordan) and was able to come into the room for the ultrasound. When Baylee came up on the screen the utrasound tech started measuring her. I was told that the baby I would SOON deliver was a whopping 9 lbs 3 oz. TEARS came QUICK and panic set in! I shouldn't have been shocked to hear the news. My brother weighed 9 lbs 5oz at birth, I was 9 lbs 10 1/2 oz, and my sister was 9 even. YES I was the heffer. HOWEVER, in my defence I was 2 weeks overdue. Also it didn't help that my mother craved Reece's Peanut Butter Cups throughout her pregnancy..HA. Anyway back to the story. She started measuring the amount of amniotic fluid and she said it was pretty low. But the weird thing was that I was not leaking. After the ultrasound I went back in the waiting room to be called back to meet with Dr. Branson. He told me that I was going to be admitted into the hospital right then. Either Baylee was in distress or the placenta wasn't working properly. Talk about PANIC. I had been SO ready to have this baby but when he said the words "we are admitting you now" I FREAKED. I wasn't so ready anymore. When I walked out of the doctors office I started crying. It was such a RUSH of emotions! I was happy, but also scared at the same time that something could be wrong with Baylee. And of course I had in the back of my mind that I was about to deliver a small horse! After getting checked into the hospital Dr. Branson came over and told me what was about to take place. He was going to insert Cervidil around 6 p.m. What that does is help soften the cervix to get it ready for labor. He said that it could POSSIBLY put me in labor but that rarely happens. He did his magic and told me that he would see me at 6 am the next morning to start the pitocin. I can't remember what time everyone left the hospital but I guess it was around 9 pm when I THOUGHT I was having contractions......Sure enough it was indeed contractions. This is when the story gets a little hazy. I can't exactly remember the time but I was in PAIN. I buzzed the nurse and asked for something...ANYTHING. She called Dr. Branson (he did not leave instructions because he did not think I would go into labor). After about 45 minutes the nurse came back and put something in my IV. I think it starts with a D (??). She said it would not stop the pain but I would be able to relax. IMMEDIATELY I felt it. Within seconds I felt DRUNK! I told the nurse that I had to go the bathroom and there was no way I could get there by myself. My LAUGHING husband helped me up and to the bathroom. He thought this was all hysterical. To be honest I did too since the pain was gone :). I was able to sleep for about 45 minutes maybe. Then the the contractions started coming harder and stronger. I was SOBBING. I called the nurse and she got my doctor on the phone. They told me that the anesthesiologist would be around soon for the epidural. For first time moms when you hear the word EPIDURAL you think HUGE needle going into your spine.....EEEKS! At that point I was thinking..BRING IT ON! Carl was great the whole time. I probably had 3 or 4 contractions during the epidural. I was already hurting so much that it didn't phase me. He as STILL as possible. YEA SURE...I was already in so much pain that I couldn't stop shaking. When he finished Carl walked into the room with my parents and sister. From that point on I slept off and on until time to lie! I was feeling GREAT. All I had to do was push this TINY little green button and the pain would be GONE :) To spare the details after 35-40 minutes of pushing Baylee Marie Brewer was delivered at 7:41 a.m. Weighing in at a whopping 7 lbs 15 oz. Yes the horse wasn't as large as I anticipated. It has been such a special year. She is what makes life worth living. I love her more now than a year ago, hard to believe. Tomorrow we have the party planned and I am holding out hope that it does not rain. I will post pictures as soon as I have the time. Click HERE for pictures right after Baylee was born... And HERE


theglenns556 said... sweet! And, so fun to think back and remember special days like that!

Leah said...

Happy Birthday Baylee!!!

theglenns556 said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl!